WWJD Covid Edition

 As we enter the 2021-22 PSR year, our theme is the familiar biblical line also heard every mass: "(Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof) BUT ONLY SAY THE WORD AND MY SOUL SHALL BE HEALED." This is especially appropriate as we come back to the classrooms in person instead of virtually. Things are a little different though, and we need to acknowledge it. 

If ever people needed their souls to be healed, it is now. COVID and all the things we have had to do to slow the spread of it has wreaked havoc on our social lives. We certainly did not need something that caused us to be separated further from our family, friends, and neighbors! If anything, COVID has made it clear that we can function with even less social contact and interaction than we previously thought possible. That's not good. 

Our theme illustrates that God is powerful enough to heal us from afar. Anything that He wills to have happen, DOES happen. But that is not the relationship that God wishes to have with us! God does not want us to be apart from Him, nor from each other. We are stronger together. We are happier together. We are better together. God knows that, and wants that. God wants to have a personal relationship with each and every one of us, and as Catechists we must convey that message clearly. 

Is COVID unnatural? Is it evil? Does it even matter? We are back in class, back at mass, and can really effectively teach again. But some damage has been done, because it is apparent that our kids have been affected by this. We see (in public schools) more behavioral problems, less respect, less discipline. We see kids whose social skills seem to have regressed, and also note that their will to BE social has regressed. 

This is a fact, and we need to address it. How? Jesus Christ, that's how. He wasn't anti-social, He did not avoid interaction or undervalue anyone no matter how poor or destitute. Only He can heal from afar, but our work is best done not online but in person. By setting the example, modeling Christ like behavior, and above all using Christ's life as the ultimate example we can get our kids back on track. Together we are the Body of Christ, His Church here on earth. We need each other, and we need to convince our kids that despite COVID, THEY need each other! 


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