SYNOD 2021-2023


This afternoon following PSR (Parish School of Religion, formerly called CCD and also known as "Bible School" our parish held our Synod meetings in response to the call from the Vatican. I can say that it was a rich and rewarding experience personally, but most importantly it addressed what we feel that the Holy Spirit was and IS directing us to do. The "Lectio Divina" method was used, centering on a reading from 1 Corinthians, and after each reading time for reflection and listening was given, followed by discussion, input, and refinement. 

Some great ideas were captured, and it is clear that everyone felt that we must strive more diligently to evangelize and catechize. There were three parish Catechists in my focus group alone! Shrinking membership was discussed, the impact of COVID was discussed, and the attempt to return fully to normal operation was discussed. The persistent theme though is that existing and active parishioners must discern their own gifts, and must actively use them in order to create disciples of Christ. We need to focus not only outside our parish but within, continuing to strengthen and support the people we have, while encouraging them to take the Gospel out of mass and share it with the world. 

There are so many things that we are very good at, and there are also things which we are not so good at. We need an active and agile social media presence. We need that presence to be on platforms that are popular and will reach people. We need to better support new families and individuals in our parishes. We must evangelize everywhere! This is best done by leading by example, walking the walk as they say, demonstrating and modeling Christ-like behavior wherever we go. I hope and pray that this world-wide Synod bears fruit both locally and internationally. This Church-wide introspection must lead to activated faith, to faith in action outside the walls of our buildings, out in the world. Each of us must do whatever we can, according to our gifts. 


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