
Showing posts from February, 2022

SYNOD 2021-2023

  This afternoon following PSR (Parish School of Religion, formerly called CCD and also known as "Bible School" our parish held our Synod meetings in response to the call from the Vatican. I can say that it was a rich and rewarding experience personally, but most importantly it addressed what we feel that the Holy Spirit was and IS directing us to do. The "Lectio Divina" method was used, centering on a reading from 1 Corinthians, and after each reading time for reflection and listening was given, followed by discussion, input, and refinement.  Some great ideas were captured, and it is clear that everyone felt that we must strive more diligently to evangelize and catechize. There were three parish Catechists in my focus group alone! Shrinking membership was discussed, the impact of COVID was discussed, and the attempt to return fully to normal operation was discussed. The persistent theme though is that existing and active parishioners must discern their own gifts, a

Christ: Sacramental Body related to Mystical Body

       For me, the consideration of how the sacramental Body of Christ (Eucharist) is linked to the mystical Body of Christ (the Church) begins with the fact that one flows from the other. Christ, consubstantial with the Father, existed before all time. Because of God’s love for us, Christ came down from heaven and became man. His life, death, and resurrection were not only salvific for mankind but were given freely, just as during the Last Supper Jesus himself instituted what became our Mass, including of course the Eucharist. The Apostles and other disciples were tasked with carrying on this celebration/memorial, which of course though changed is what we DO today! The gift of salvation was freely offered, and the gift of the Eucharist was freely given too. We must keep in mind that Christ is indeed present at mass, and that actual work is being done in and through mass. Things are happening!         It is in this economy of salvation that we have the circular relationship between t