
Showing posts from September, 2023

A Catholic Philosophy

The purpose of Catechesis is to facilitate an encounter between the students and Jesus Christ. It is precisely those encounters which transformed us, and I feel we would anyway, given what He has done for us. Are there intellectual or philosophical barriers to the acceptance of Catholicism, if I may invoke the name as a system of belief and of living? Below is an unpublished article I wrote seeking to understand such barriers, viewing them as questions rather than roadblocks.  A Philosophical consideration of Catholic Theology  must   begin with the question of knowledge. What can we know and how can we know it? Do we have a belief in God prior to any outside influences? If yes, is this faith? Have others felt this and how is it described? Do we believe the experiences of others? Are they relevant or irrelevant? Do our own life experiences support our belief?  Do we have a natural desire to know what is out there and to know why we are here? Is this merely advanced curiosity? Is it not