
Showing posts from March, 2022

COVID era kids

      It sure seems to me that the kids in school right now are somewhat less socially acclimated than previous classes. Why is that? Well for one they have not had a "normal" school year in about two years! COVID closed everything down and when education did get back going it was from home, online. Think about all the social gatherings and trips and things that didn't happen during that time. A lot of socialization was missed while the kids were still aging at the same rate as always. They aren't quite feral but definitely different. And how could they NOT be? This whole pandemic has been stressful and scary. It is going to take a while to get society back to normal, whatever the new normal is.      This is an opportunity for catechists! We have just what these kids can use to help them get back on track, to understand that they have to treat others well and have respect and empathy. What they need is Jesus Christ, whether they know it or not. Effective catechesis, a