
Showing posts from September, 2020

Cate-WHAT? Why should I get involved?

Presumably you are here because either you have become a Catechist or are considering becoming one. Maybe someone asked you to volunteer, or you read a bulletin asking for volunteer teachers. Perhaps you thought to yourself "Hey, that is something that I could do!" But what do we do, and why is it necessary? Furthermore, if we AGREE to do it, what is in it for us?  People today are busy. There are a zillion things competing for our attention at any one time. There are a million distractions. Our friends, our family, our jobs, our social life, our education, the list is unending of places we feel we need to be or things we need to be doing. Why would one add another thing onto that list when it seems that we already are mishandling other things?  There are very few things in life that we can do and KNOW that they are the "right" thing to do. We all have "guilty pleasures" that we know we should NOT be doing, whether it is that extra bowl of ice cream or har